
Autonomous systems Robotics & AI

Who am I?

Problem solver first, engineer second

MSc student of EIT Digital (double degree studies), ICT Innovation - Robotics & Artificial Intelligence. Primary research interests - data science, perception & control in robotics. Strong passion for AI and machine learning.


About me

I am a computer scientist with a robotics background.

In 2019 I became a master student member EIT Digital, studying Autonomous systems - Robotics and Machine learning. I did the first master year (2019-2020) at Technical Universit of Berlin, with 3.35 / 4.00 GPA. On July 2021 I finishied my master at Aalto University, School of Electrical Engineering, in Autonomous systems Robotics & AI. Since January 2021 I have been working as a researcher at the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI) under the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS).

In August 2018 - September 2019 I worked at Multisoft Constanta as Full-stack software engineer. There I developed skills in analysis, design and implementation of web and desktop applications using C#, .NET, SQL Server, Javascript (Bootstrap & jQuery), provide cloud solutions for hotels and restaurants.

In 2017-2019 I obtained a master's degree in "Distributed Multi-Model Virtual Environments" at Ovidius University of Constanta with final thesis grade: 9.66 / 10 and overall average grade: 9.78 / 10
In 2015-2018 I did my bachelor in Mathematics and Computer Science, at Ovidius University of Constanta. I graduated in Mathematics and Computer science with final thesis grade: 10 / 10 and overall average grade: 9.87 / 10.
In 2014 I did my first bachelor's degree in economics and business administration, at Ovidius University of Constanta. I graduated in 2017 with final bachelor thesis grade: 10/10 and overall average grade: 8.57 / 10.

Awards and Honors

  1. 1st prize ESTIC 2018 - Speech and Speaker recognition app for Romanian language, EDITION XI, Contest for Students in Information Technology.Link

  2. 1st prize ESTIC 2019 - Mobile robot embedded with object detection and recognition app, EDITION XII, Contest for Students in Information Technology, Link

    Cerva Summer school on virtual environments, cultural heritage 6’th edition. Link

    BIG DATA ANALYTICS - EIT Digital summer school, Link


  1. Speech & Speaker recognition for Romanian Language, Published in RoCHI 2018, Computer Science, Romania.


  1. PhD. Associate Professor of Computer Science DRAGOS SBURLAN, Constanta, 08/01/2019

  2. Conf.univ.dr. ELENA PELICAN, Constanta, 25/11/2018

Master following topics

  • Object-Oriented Programming, Dynamic programming
  • Relational databases, Front-end, Back-end development
  • Machine learning
    • Unsupervised
      • PCA, Outlier Detection, LLE
      • Clustering, K-means, GMM, Expectation-Maximization, Hierarchical clustering
    • Supervised
      • Kernel Ridge Regression, Cross-Validation, Logistic regession
      • Support vector machines, Boosting
      • Neural networks, CNN, LSTM
      • Feature learning, selection
      • Preference learning, ranking
    • Reinforcement learning
      • Value Iteration, Policy Iteration
      • Q-Learning, DQN
      • Policy Gradient, Actor critic
  • Computer vision
    • Image formation and processing
    • Feature detection and matching
    • Structure from motion, stereo and 3D reconstruction
    • Object recognition and detection
  • Robotics
    • Forward and Inverse Kinematics
    • Path planning & tracking
    • Filtering, localization, tracking, mapping
    • Kalman Filter, EKF, UKF, Particle filter
    • ROS, SLAM, Navigation
    • Image-based, Position-based visual servoing


    • Good with
      • Python: (Numpy, Scipy, OpenCV, Pytorch, Keras, Flask)
    • Known programming languages:
      • C# •C++ •javascript •SQL • PL / SQL • JAVA • CSS • HTML5
    • Basics of:
      • 3D modelling: •Blender •3DS max
    • Experienced with:
      • Panda 7dof arm •holonomic,nonholonomic car • Linux • Git
      • Lidar • IMU • SLAM • ROS • nvidia jetson nano •raspberry pi •Arduino
    • English language C1
    • Russian language C2
    • Romanian - native
    • Driving license AM, B1, B

Robotics & AI projects

3D LiDAR pose-graph slam
Source Code

  • Estimate the transformation between laser scans with ICP;
  • Construct the keyframe pose-graph in the FrontEnd;
  • Optimize the graph in the BackEnd;

Python implementation of the RGB-D SLAM
Source Code

  • Detect and Track image feature;
  • Perform Ransac PnP algorithm to estimate the transformation between the 3D point cloud on the current frame and their 2D pixel correspondences in the previous frame.;
  • Build a pose graph based on estimated transformations;
  • Update the current pose based on estimated R and t;
  • Build the sparse map;
  • add Bundle adjustment;
  • add loop closure detection with V-BoW;

Python implementation of the Stereo PTAM (parallel tracking and mapping)
Video result, Source Code

  • Multithreads Tracking, Mapping, and Loop Closing;
  • Covisibility Graph (representing the relation between keyframes, mappoints and measurements);
  • Local Bundle Adjustment and Pose Graph Optimization;
  • Motion Model (used for pose prediction, then for reliable feature matching);
  • Point Clouds and Graph visualization;

Master thesis: Stereo-Camera–LiDAR Calibration for Autonomous Driving
Video result, Source Code Master thesis project realized in partnership with Aalto University and Finnish Geospatial Research Institute of Finland.

  • Mono and stereo camera calibration
  • Camera-LIDAR synchronisation
  • Stereo-camera based and LiDAR based 3D reconstruction
  • Camera-LiDAR extrinsic calibration
  • Sensor occlusion handling

Pong game by Panda robots, Robotics AI Lab
Video result, Source Code

  • 2D to 3D projection
  • Forward/Inverse Kinematics with multiple objectives by stacking Jacobians
  • Path planning with Potential Fields
  • Image-based and Position-based visual servoing

Autonomous driving by behavioural cloning
Video result, Source Code

  • Run Udacity car simulation & record some data (images, steering angle, velocity, etc)
  • Data preparation - balance the dataset, augment data
  • Train a regression model (input images, output steering angle)
  • Use the model to control the car steering angle

Small scale autonomous driving car
Simulation, Real car, Source Code

  • Traffic line detection (OpenCV hough transform) & following
  • Traffic sign detection & recognition (CNN model)
  • SLAM with EKF for mapping & localization
  • 2D spline function for path planning
  • Stanley steering and PID controller for path tracking

Reinforcement learning, Agent learns to play pong game, from pixels
Source Code

  • The agent is the green paddle
  • Pass the image through CNN to extract the features
  • Used fully-connected layers to learn the behaviour
  • Used softmax to output 3 actions probabilities (up, down, stay)
  • Policy gradient optimize the weights to maximize the reward

Source Code

  • Detect feature descriptors (harris corner, SIFT)
  • Track the features in 2 consecutive images, using optical flow.
  • Estimate Essential matrix (E) between points correspondences, using RANSAC model fitting.
  • Estimate camera rotation (R) and translation (t) based on essential matrix.
  • Update the current pose based on R and t.

Other projects

Source Code

    Time series prediction
  • The application allows you to upload the current stock prices, and it predicts the future prices
  • It allows the user to train a new model on its own data
  • The app can be automated completely, the agent will buy and sell stocks independently.
  • There are LSTM models implemented in Keras, moving average, RL agents.

Self Hotel - Web app
Source Code
This website provides room registration, self check-In and check-Out services.

    The app is based on:
  • client-side: - Javascript(Bootstrap & jQuery), HTML5,CSS.
  • server-side: - C#, .NET, sql Server.
  • Data description language (DDL).
  • CRUD Operations (create, select, update, delete)
Server/Client-side validation, data manipulation.